
Seemed like a very busy day accomplishing very little (and certainly no photos), so as I was heading home I thought I might take a wee detour along the Shore. The old buildings were glowing beautifully in the evening sun- but by the time I'd crossed the street the sun had gone in again and the buildings were looking uninteresting. There was a handsome goldfinch singing his wee head off in one of the spindly trees opposite Fishers Bistro - but the snaps I got were fuzzy sillhouettes and didn't show off his lovely colours. So I was left with this, a view towards the Swing bridge (which no longer swings), beyond which can be spotted the masts of sailing ship Jean de la Lune (has anyone bought it yet?) and various business-like cranes. I think there's even a bit of Fife in the distance.

Closer at hand is the harpoon gun; disabled now, but still somewhat provocatively aimed at Fife. ;-)

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