
By appertunity

The invisible man

Taken in Bradford thus afternoon...

16,700 people are registered and seeking social housing in Bradford.

More than 12,000 people in Bradford are living in "fuel poverty" (They spend more than 10% of their income on fuel e.g. gas and electric).

There are over 750,000 properties that lie empty in Britian, just 1/3 of them would end homelessness for a generation.

The average life expectancy of rough sleepers is 42 years compared to the national average of 77 years.

Rough sleepers are 35 times more likely to kill themselves than the general population 4 time more likely to die from unnatural causes, such as accidents, assaults, murder, drug or alcohol poisoning

Rough sleepers are 13 times more likely to experience crime and 47 times more likely to be a victim of theft than the general public.

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