Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

I've got the key ...

I've got the secret ...Sshhh!

Busy day! Again ...

Worked till 3(ish) met some interesting people today ... 1 couple in particular, they were staying in the area for a while after the husband needed a heart operation in one of the private hospitals in Cambridge, he was telling me about a terrible accident he had in 1988, it really was horrific, by all accounts he is lucky to be alive! He then went on to say that's when he found God.

After finding God

He met his wife whilst doing relief work. A happy sad story, if you get me? However ... a ha ... there's a 'however'! I'm a very open minded woman, my, you have to be in this day and age but I do get in a bit of a dither when people start preaching talking about religion, I don't like to dispute (except with close family & friends and then I think I do it rather well!) As I was saying ... my parents bought me up with a strong view of 'treat others how you expect to be treated' which I have lived by! People are entitled to live their lives how they choose, if they choose to share their epiphanies then surely they should wait to be asked? Maybe i'm just in 'one of those moods' today!

Disclaimer ... There is no offence meant in this blip. I am not in any way shape or form disagreeing with anyone's beliefs. I like to keep mine close to my chest & when asked for my opinion I am happy to share

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