Zoom Zoom

By steveg316

Streetwise Oompa Loompas

While sitting watching the first half of the Sunderland/Liverpool game I saw out my living room window these three characters. I ran to grab my camera but by time I got to the window I was too late. Realising that they were going round the front of the building I quickly put on my trainers and ran outside.

Once out I asked them why they were dressed up like that and was told that it was for a 40th party yesterday and they had decied to carry it on through today as well. I asked if it was ok to get their names and was told that they were Lisa, Kelly and Lauren whose birthday it was.

I am so glad I grabbed the oppertunity to blip them and I am a bit fortunate they just happened to be going past my house. This was certainly a unexpected blip but one i'm well happy to accept.

Hope you all have a good sunday, Steve.

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