
By Drysailor

Springtime !!

A wonderful day today !! Cold and crisp to start with, but clear blue sky and Sunny! Had to go to the Doctors, my annual visit, He spent 10 minutes telling me what I already knew, ie, 5 kgs too heavy , Cholestorel too high, blood pressure and heart beat to low. Exactly the same as he has said for the last 10 years, still nice to know nothing 'orrible has happened lately! 2 of the 5 kgs will go when I start doing the garden and jobs outside.
Talking about outside, what a day!! We came back and it was so warm we put the chairs on the Patio and sat by the pond, in the sun, and had Coffee, stayed there till lunchtime and had lunch there too ! It was really warm, and as a Blip I took these Forsythia, full bloom, lovely, stunning, in your face Yellow ! The Roses are budding,Daffs are up, everything is getting ready to Go!! Have a good weekend everyone in Blipland !

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