"Look Dad, I'm on the telly"

The glamorous places I take my kids at the weekend, honestly they are spoilt rotten.

In fairness, she had been swimming, hunted for Geocaches (one success and one that consistently eludes us but as that one is in an alley that reeks of pish we aren't inclined to hang around looking) and then she'd been to the playpark and rounded it off with some fizzy pop in the Avenue so it's not all bad news. She has also convinced me she was about to faint if she didn't get a fish supper so we were on our way to the chippy when we found this lovely location.

In other news, I put my hand down the side of the sofa whilst watching the footie on the TV (usually a bad idea) but on this occasion located Eve's iPod which led to scenes of wild celebration as it had been lost for six weeks. Also, the whippet continues her campaign to get abandoned in a lay-by on the A1 by not just stealing the venison sausages we were going to have for dinner but also eating an entire tub of margarine by way of dessert. Our fridge has died, and until the new one arrives we have been storing the food outside. I've now resorted to hanging it from a hook 6 feet off the ground (the food not the whippet, although I am tempted)

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