
By spitzimixi

magic lantern

deep down, underneath it all, I guess I'm just a product of the Pembrokeshire I grew up in. Like a potato. I'm also a product of my family's long line of gardeners - a browse through history shows my forebears working as gardeners for the landed gentry. Give me a patch of earth and I will plant things and be happy.

We also have a pirate in our genealogy, which I find kind of cool. And we have miners and poachers, housemaids and generally all the people needed to keep rich people comfortable in their way of life. In a way, one could say that I am born to servitude. Luckily, some of that pirate and poacher blood runs in my veins and some of the common sense of my ancestors lives in my brain....the sense that says that servitude is crappy and education can get you a good job. So, that's how I moved from poor person to middle class person in about ...well, depends how long I'm planning to live...a third of a lifetime? But I remained slightly anarchic and in love with the soil. And, in amongst the punk and the two-tone and the dance music there is still a sprinkling of the kind of hippy-folksy stuff that I grew up hearing - here's a song that you're supposed to be surprised that I like

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