Mummy Meerkat

Took the children to a small animal park near us. It is a farm that has expanded out into birds and small animals to try and survive. They are doing well and expanding all the time so a good move. It was lovely, the sun was shining, all the animals were basking in the sunshine and it was a perfect morning. I was spoilt with blip options today and had to get hubby to come and chose for me. Oh my goodness these little guys were so sweet and cute. Teeny tiny meerkat babies were scurrying about and when they went to Mummy for a cuddle I was taking pictures like a woman possesed. We are going with toddler club in a few weeks so will have to see how they have grown.
Home and a lovely afternoon sat in the sun with our neighbour and a glass of red wine in the garden. If this is summer on the way bring it on!!!

Other possible blips:

Peek a boo

Let me out.

Put em up

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