Birthday boys

Celebrated our counsins' birthdays today. The handsome chap, T, in the left image, had his birthday on St. Patrick's, when he turned 5 years old. It's quite hard to get a calm capture of him, but there was a little moment today when he seriously gazed into the sunny window.

In the upper image on the right you can see J with our youngest cousin N (who's not J and T's sister but their cousin, too). J turned 7 yesterday, and is going to start school next Autumn. He said he's fed up with pre-school and wants to go to the "big boy school" as soon as possible. N's not going to school in the short run, but she's growing up quickly and celebrates her half-year birthday next Friday. :)

We enjoyed fine wine and great food, as always. T and J enjoyed their presents, too. Since my Mom's J's godmother, she's given J an useful present every year; one piece from the certain tableware, so J'll have the whole set one day. I think that's a pretty practical idea. Of course J gets a 'cool' present too, which was a Lego robot this year.

T learned to read when he was 4 and enjoys books and art a lot, so we got him an art set, which he started to use right away. Nobody knows if he'll become right-handed or left-handed, because he uses his hands evenhandedly. Maybe he'll become ambidextrous like me and many others in our family are.

I also took a shot of T's animal birthday train, which gets a new unit every year.

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