Shadows & Sunlight

By psychotickatzen


Ok it's kind of dumb but I got really excited to see this brick where I did. It's common to see them in Athens and surrounding areas. But while walking around OSU I was much more surprised. It was not just one but multiple Nelsonville Blocks!!! :P It was silly, like I said, but sometimes it's just the simple things.

Sort of a lazy day. Felt like one anyway. Went to pick up Jen from work to help her with a project for class. It's about urban legends and folklore, and she needed stories, so she asked me about ones from Athens.

Met up with Jessi after to help her make decorations for her upcoming retreat. Then went to Applebees with her and some friends. Didn't get anything to eat but it was fun to hang out.

Came home, went to sleep.

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