Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

View through the crib

A day when the rain did not stop for one moment with uploading its troubles upon us, bummer for the LA marathon, a morning and afternoon spent doing every available puzzle, trains, reading, dancing to The Freeze and Good Morning, signing, a late afternoon through which the boys slept entirely and an evening of Callum having me sing every lullaby I can possibly remember by his bedside. I'm trying to sign my way through any of the kid's songs I know. Reu finds it all very amusing, even if he's going through a bit of a rough patch post surgery, two trips back to the hospital this week to tame an angry looking row of stitches.

Here, moments later, Callum awoke. There wasn't much light around to be playing with, that's for sure, and not aided by a few power cuts from the storm too. Think the boys rather enjoyed that part.

It's been a very tame week for photography, but I've filled in some of the gaps none the less. BackBlips start here. Think I'll try something a little different this week, who knows? Bed.

PS: Found out today one of my oldest (no, you're not that old are you Polly?) friends from uni who now lives in Sydney will be in London at the same time as us next month. It must be about 5 or 6 years now since I've seen her. Can't wait to see the kids play together as can I not wait til I see Janelle, my dear Australian friend from my working life who lives in London. Seeing both on the same trip will be a fantastic treat and I know they're probably both reading this so, Hiya girls.

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