Mrs Unremarkable

By MrsUnremarkable

My Unusual Mother

Attempting to hide behind her magnifying glass.

We leave the television on in the mornings before going out to work so she can watch her programmes. Our tv controls are too complicated apparantly, so the box has to stay on all day (not that she watches it all day you understand).

She refuses to wear her hearing aid, so everything has to be repeated - several times. However, you never have to ask her more than one if she'd like a glass of wine, the response is instantaneous - and always YES.

When we visited the Metro Centre last week, we had a coffee stop in the first store we went in and after that she had to stop & sit down every few benches. But the very next day she was walking up and down the sand dunes at Druridge Bay. Hmmmm

There was a time when she used to stick dots over her face if she didn't like the look of herself in a photo.

And she always wants to look inside peoples houses, and she really prefers the company of men, and these days she speaks her mind - however inappropriate that might be, and she cannot get her head around how to put a dvd on dispite having been showed by 10 different people, and she once rang my brother late at night and asked him to come straight round - to undo her necklace, and until she gave up smoking she was partial to a cigar.

I could go on and on and on and on

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