
By 42

The Cat's Whiskers

This is Spooky, our cat lapping up Mrs42's breakfast (she isn't feeling too well today). I didn't know cats like porridge...

Like lots of us blippers I have no formal photography training and am feeling my way round exploring the craft and art that is photography.

I don't know about you, but most of the time I reject any images if they are blurry/shaky/flat etc. Well today I deliberately switched off the autofocus and chose to defocus a little to give more of an impression of what I saw rather than a frozen moment in time.

I'm interested to hear what you think ... I had a hard time choosing today as I got a good crop of photos on a lovely bimble (that's for you bri). Unusually for me, I have posted another couple here. Let me know what you think about these too! Mrs42 preferred the field shot...

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LOTD: My First Picture's angel and sky blip is a great zoom effect and makes your eyes go funny :-)

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