
By shutterbugsue

Mourning Dove

This bird goes by many names the above and the Western Turtle Dove, Rain Dove and American Mourning Dove. Was formerly known as the Carolina Pigeon and the Carolina Turtledove.
The male and female both incubate and care for the young. They are the most abundant and widespread bird of North America. They can have up to six broods a year in warmer climates.
They can fly up to 55 mph. It is the most sought after gamebird up to 70 million a year are shot for their meat.
Doves eat almost exclusively seed. They feed their young crop milk.
The estimated number 475 million doves.
New visitor today we have not seen them in our yard for a couple of years.
Most likely because of the dogs.
Hummingbird did not come to feeder. I saw him over at our Bungalow feeding on all of the azealias. Hopefully when the blooms are gone they will come back.
Thank you to all for all the wonderful comments you have left.

Crop Milk is secretion from the lining of the crop from the parent birds which is regurgitated to young birds.

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