
By augustvibes

Short Film

First off, I'm incredibly disappointed in myself for not getting a blip up yesterday but unless you wanted to see my feet or an office backdrop, I'm afraid not much else was worthy. But I suppose it's the discipline and not the result right?
Anyway I am so loving this family of artists and photographers-you all have so much to give and you've given ME so much to look forward to each day. I actually de-activated my Twitter account to spend more time with the photographs that inspire me to do more as a struggling photographer: yours!
I'm rambling...yes I know.
So today I'm starting principal photography on a short film I've written. It's no big deal but it's time I tried something new. Unfortunately, my IPhone isn't the tool I wanted to shoot with but with my laptop down, my Pentax is dormant for the next while. Hey, just another challenge, right?

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