Life with our boys

By Lifewithourboys

The Sound of Music...

While for the past couple years our oldest son has enjoyed playing around and strumming random tunes on his beginner guitar, "Santa" this past year felt it was time for him to move on to bigger and better things. So a "real" guitar was delivered Christmas morning and how excited was our oldest! With the guitar also came the responsibility of guitar lessons. He's been taking them for a few weeks now and is slowly progressing although his teacher, Max says he's a natural.

Last Fathers Day the Boys and I surprised Dad with a guitar. For the 20+ years we've been together I can recall him saying how cool he thought it would be to learn to play. It was a HUGE surprise to him when he received this thought out gift.

Now in the evenings my husband and our oldest son sit and learn to play the guitar together. I guess you could say we are getting *two for the price of one* out of our lessons. I love the sound of hearing them learn different tunes and smile when I come down the stairs to see their guitars sitting next to one another like old friends would do.

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