I'm waiting

"You're waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away"

It was a pretty sunny yet cloudy day today, I didn't went to school but nearly finished reading my proper civics books (but not the law one, because it's boooooring.) Gosh, three days before the baccalaureate exam day! I was somewhat lazy today, as I always am, but tomorrow I'll be concentrating on recapping with the book I got from my teacher.

I must admit I'm little excited. The civics baccalaureate exam is a big exam for me, and I'll be hunting for the highest grade, Laudatur, for sure! Regardless what I want to achieve, there's that little shadowy doubt hiding behind my consciousness; what if I don't remember all the things I should? What if I just forget all? What if I can't build up amazing text?

The main question is what if I start to think that I just can't success. I find that my biggest fragility is doubting my capability. I always start doing that when I certainly shouldn't; it has lead me into several situations where I've simply fallen below my true level.

I've been reminding myself about the fact that I can reach my goal easily, if I want to; that I only need to relax and empty my head onto paper; that everything goes well and there's no need for doubt. Right. I'll be happy with an Eximia or a Magna, too. Of course, if I want to, I can redo the exam next year, if I don't get a Laudatur this time.

But now...


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