Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

The Eyes Have It.

What a really productive day today. Not a moment to relax, but full of really interesting beginnings.

The small group of kids I was working with this afternoon, were exploring sound. I went through to the music room and brought back with me a variety of different instruments including glockenspiels,guiros,small timpani drums and a violin. They were exploring how the sound was made by the instruments and took turns trying this out for themselves.

It was amazing how interested they were about the violin and after playing a bit for them, I helped them play, using the bow. Two of the boys said that they would have loved the chance to play the violin, and I can see how that might have been something they would have enjoyed. Next week we will make our own instruments, and I'll try and think of ways that we could make our own violins.

After school, the Kids Photography Club met for the first time. I was delighted to see 15 kids there, and another 5 on the list that want to be involved but have other commitments at the moment.

We spent a while getting them to explore the settings on their cameras, then taking pictures of each other, really focusing on getting the face and in particular the eyes in focus. We talked about taking portraits and Karen showed the kids some of the portraits she has taken. She left in some of the rejected ones so that she could point out the areas to watch out for.

The Easter Holiday Challenge has been set. The kids (and us) will photograph a person and try to be as inventive and think creatively as possible.

They've been asked to think about background, angle, lighting, pose and check out magazines for ideas. They all seemed very enthusiastic and I hope they have great fun trying things out.

Claire had a hair appointment after the club meeting. Whilst I was there, Kirsten, the owner has asked me to take some photos of the salon and of some models to use on her website.

Exciting and scary.

She's offering renumeration!!!

I think I'll need to speak to Fairy Photofather again to pick his brains and maybe ask if I can borrow some lights and background, or (maybe just borrow him)

Meditative yoga session tonight was worth the effort because now I'm just buzzing with ideas about all these new projects.

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