Dave's Views

By davethespoon

Room with a view

This spell of dry weather has been ideal for building my new shed in the garden. I'm making a work space for green woodwork, a place to keep all the tools and equipment and to work in when it's raining or cold. On fine days I'll work outside.

Well that's the dream, I'll gradually do less web development and more woodwork until I get a better ""balance between brain work and manual work. There's a marvellous book I recommend "The Case for Working with Your Hands" by Matthew Crawford subtitled Why Office Work Is Bad for Us and Fixing Things Feels Good. I completely agree with this sentiment but sadly find working with your hands doesn't pay as well.

Anyway there's enough workshop done now that I can sit in there and sip a well earned cup of tea. Whilst doing this I noticed what an attractive view I had from the window and how I'll enjoy watching the leaves coming out and the blossom on the apple and cherry trees in a month or so.

So here you have it - a blip from my (almost finished) room with a view.

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