The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Misty morning

What a beautiful Spring day. It began with mist swirling around Arnside Knott with blue skies above, and finished with a deep blue sky reflected in the Kent estuary. I had a quick walk up the Knott this morning to try and get above the mist, but the blip consultant did not approve of the results. So, it's this picture of the Hare Field and the woodland edge disappearing into the mist. My first Cumbria chiffchaff of the year was singing from the wood. Soon the main flood of summer visitors will be pouring into Britain.

A busy day in work after a couple of days away from the office, and saying goodbye to Emma, the first of our colleagues to leave on voluntary redundancy. She has done so much in the last four years to sort out the management of the raised bogs of the Solway. These sites still need a lot of work, and I worry that we will lose momentum, particularly as we have no obvious candidate to take over from her.

The response to yesterday's blip was interesting. Some said it was a departure for me. Perhaps it was, but only in the sense that I live in a rural environment and don't get the opportunity very often to take photographs in more urban situations. I would have liked to have had more time to explore the photographic opportunities in Birmingham.

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