
By shutterbugsue

Summer Tanager

A new vistor today that I have never seen before. Looked up and there it was up in my oak tree.
The Summer Tanager is the only red bird in North America. They are a bird of the southern forests. It eats bees and wasps both in summer and it's wintering grounds in Central and South America.
They lay two to five eggs they are pale blue or pale green with dark splotches and spots. Their nests are made of dried grasses and other vegetation.
Babies are helpless covered with down. They are also known as the Bee bird.
They also like fruit so I have set some out in hopes it will return tomorrow.
America has lost the greatest Actress of all time in my book. Elizabeth Taylor we have watched her movies from a child actress to an adult. She has given so much of herself to the HIV community when no one else was brave enough. She was one of the most beautiful women in the world. When my sister was little they were going to make a movie called Gator Bait and they went through the local elementary schools looking for a look alike. My sister was chosen but sadly they never made the movie. My thoughts and prayers are with her family, friends, and all the fans she had through the years. May God bless her soul.
Thank you for your comments. I will be back commenting in a week or two. I might make a few but not up to my normal commenting.

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