Another day

Just another regular old work day. Lots to do. Always lots to do.

Was contacted recently by a U.K. photo and news agency to publish one of my photos. I submitted the write up last night, so I'm excited to hear how it's going. If I could be published somewhere else in the world, it would be completely amazing. Plus a few extra dollars would be nice too. Still saving for that new camera.

I tried my hand at panorama's again, but I wasn't at all pleased with the results. I did have a fully charged battery this time though. There just aren't too many places that will look nice with the technique.

So I had to resort to an old standby. A little similar to an earlier photo in the week, but my hubby liked it best. This is what gets to be the photo of the day for me. :)

I have to wash the boys and get them to bed. Maybe an evening of reading is in my future.

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