
By blipblog

The Blipfoto Shop

Hello Blippers. Today's a big day in Blipland.

We've lost count of the number of times you've asked us for t-shirts, badges, printed copies of your images and all manner of other Blip goodies. Well, we're as excited as small children at Christmas to let you know that we've just officially cut the ribbon and thrown open the doors to the Blipfoto Shop, where you can get your hands on this stuff right now.

Drop in and you'll find official Blipfoto 'b' badges, two T-shirt designs and, perhaps most amazingly, a beautiful little black box of 100 completely customisable Blipcards. The shop is also the new place to upgrade your membership, and you can order a gift voucher (of the real or virtual variety) to be sent anywhere in the world. And included in every purchase is that wonderful feeling of keeping your favourite website ad-free for everyone.

Because Blipfoto is all about quality over quantity, we're kicking off with this very carefully chosen range of items, but do plan to expand it soon. We already have more customisable print products in the pipeline (including a Blipfoto Book), and need your slogan suggestions for the next batch of T-shirts once this first limited run has sold out. (Leave your ideas on this forum thread - if your slogan is chosen, you get two free tees just like astudyinscarlet who came up with the current one.)

As usual, we've tested, checked and double checked this to death, but there's no test like the real world. If you do hit a technical problem or don't understand something, please leave a reply in this forum thread. If you have a problem with a specific order or payment, please contact us privately using the contact form.

That's it. Enjoy, and don't forget to tell your friends!

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