Club 107

By club107

Tower of strength

On my way to work I have been coming past this tower for the best part of 11 years now, I understand it is soon to be pulled down, well with explosives. They demolished its nearest neighbour 4 years ago, one Sunday, I recall hearing the explosion in our garden, nearly 5 miles away.

The buildings in this development are increasingly abandoned, the lower floors all boarded up, the upper floors, I guess inhabited by whom I don't know. I guess people who really have no choice. On dreich days, when the winds howl along the street blowing rain and cold, these buildings look quite uninspiring. On very sunny mornings however the light somehow gives them some character, well I think most architects would disagree, but they look nicer early morning warming up.

I shall however not be too sad to see these buildings brought down, I hope simply they put some nicer houses up in their place where the community spirit is good and people feel happy.

At lunchtime, the car lying in the sun displayed a slightly exaggerated


although I'd knock about 4 off that

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