West Trig view

Up early and up the hill with juno, hung around for her dog pals so she could have a good run.

Work was a maze of mystery.

Out at lunchtime to buy new hiking boots as my pair have fallen apart. Wearing them at work and at home to check they are ok.

My uncle came up for our Thursday walk as part of his West Highland Way training(Susie you really need to start too). Later than normal the sun was down by the time we reached the top of Blackford Hill. Juno found a fox that bolted across us in the dark followed by a slower Juno. We met 2 groups of cubs doing strange rituals in the dark.

On arriving home I was accused of smelling badly, I get the blame first, after much searching the house realised it was their beloved pet who had rolled in fox shit. The delights of night walking.

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