Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

Being proud and having pride

My mate Luke and I belong to the same choir - Sing with Pride - based in Norwich. This is his bag, and the badges that he wears with pride. He is proud of who he is, and I am very proud to belong to this choir which aims to be a friendly, welcoming and inclusive community from the LGBT community for everyone. We sing in harmony to celebrate diversity. challenge inequality, and ensure that Norwich is a city where everyone can feel safe and proud to be themselves.

I have gained so much confidence as a singer from belonging to this lovely choir, and tonight we did an exercise where we had to sing next to someone who we had never sung beside before. I chose to sing beside Luke - we couldn't look at each other because we would have giggled too much - but I think our voices sounded beautiful. If they were fabric his would have been a dark velvet, mine lighter silk-like.

I love Thursday evening choir practice.

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