Return to the North

By Viking

Heaven is missing a sister

I love my sister - unconditionally of course... but... I love her even more because she sent me English chocolate :-)
I love NZ and wish to spend my days here but inevitably there are things you miss about 'home' - in my case it is Galaxy chocolate ( oh and Irn Bru, proper fish and chips and a few other bits and pieces)

So I got rather excited when a friends Xmas present to me arrived a couple of weeks ago (yep came by boat, took a long time , bla bla) It was a shoe box FULL of Galaxy chocolate (and a Terry's chocolate orange) Within seconds I was dealt a devastating blow - either the journey or MAF who had had it in their compound, had made the chocolate turn to that white stuff. (Someone tells me it's to do with heat, although hadn't melted) I frantically opened every bar, only to find it in the same state - inedible. My orange, my precious orange... I tapped it, unwrapped it and it disintegrated before my eyes.

Anyway to cut a long story short - (yeah right, I hear you say, this is short?' ) my darling 'ickle sister has sent me a bag of Galaxy chocolate bars ( and some Milky Bars too) She sent them airmail, MAF left 'em alone and tonight - as you can see I have bitten into the forbidden and treasured first bar.


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