I Write with Light

By petespics


Kepa sits upon his throne listening to the music the tribal sounds he loves so much to give a sense of solace and a place to escape to drown his thoughts with the pounding lines and high pitches that drives his heart.
He looks out into the sky and wonders why he is so cursed with looks and charm that has and will continue to break many a heart.
He says to himself, ?why me, what have I done to deserve this pain. What am I to about this. Is it to be used for good or evil.?
His sense of ethics drives the good in him but only being a passenger in his body he is on occasion out of control and ends up damaging the fairer sex much to his disgust and regret. But the urge to only be a passenger is a great thrill for it takes him on adventures that he loves so much and the effect create upon himself and fairer sex is to much of an effect not to not get caught up in.
So now he sits alone looking back at the hearts he?s broken wondering when he will let it end.
He then thinks, if I ultimately know thyself then one can only then start to appreciate the fairer sex and on out from there.
But what is thing Kepa is perusing that will bring him love and happiness. He will look and will find it and known to him it sits under his nose and only awaits his action to finally find thyself and thus fully love others.

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