Reflections again

I was confined to quarters with the laptop today, with only a brief foray over to the deli for some spinach and wine (balanced diet, eh?). The sunlight was brilliant and it almost felt warm. There were persons sitting outside the pubs on the Shore with their drinks pretending that it was (warm) and I saw the first unsightly Bermuda shorts of the year. (Pale yellow floral pattern over pasty white legs).

I was intrigued by a bottle I noticed in the deli amongst the wines, to the extent that I got out my reading glasses to investigate. It's something called Blaand, made by that chap who does the Lanark Blue cheese. I'd never heard the word before, but apparently the Vikings brought it here, amongst other things. It's fermented whey, so it's kumis by another name - 13% alcohol. I suppose it makes use of a by-product from the cheese making. But who's going to be first to try it??

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