trocafish photography

By troca


Orion, a constellation often referred to as The Hunter, is a prominent constellation, one of the largest and perhaps the best-known and most conspicuous in the sky. Its brilliant stars are found on the celestial equator and are visible throughout the world. Its three prominent "belt" stars - three stars of medium brightness in the mid-section of this constellation - make this constellation easy to spot and globally recognized. From mid-northern latitudes, Orion is visible in the evening from November to early May and in the morning from late July to November.

* Meissa is Orion's head.
* Betelgeuse, at its right shoulder, is a red star with a diameter larger than the orbit of Mars. Although it is the ?-star, it is somewhat fainter than Rigel.
* Bellatrix, is at Orion's left shoulder.
* Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka make up the asterism known as Orion's Belt: three bright stars in a row; from these alone one can recognize Orion.
* Eta Orionis, between Delta Orionis and Rigel.
* Saiph is at Orion's right knee.
* Rigel, at the constellation's left knee, is a large blue-white star, among the brightest in the sky. It has three companions, invisible to the naked eye.
* Hatsya is at the tip of Orion's sword.


Locating other stars from Orion

The best starmap I found!

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