
By tintintti

Duc van Tol Red and Yellow

These are tulips that were "bred" this way in 16th century. (I don't know what word to use in English for breeding plants, in Finnish it's the same word for animals and plats, but breeding plants just sounds a bit funny to me at least...) They're called "Duc van Tol Red and Yellow". We went to the botanic garden to see all these different kind of tulips and daffodils etc.

The guy that has done all my tattoos was on TV news on Friday. My mother saw him and was quite shoked :D You can see the news here (expires 24.4.2011). It's in Finnish, but the part about tattoos starts somewhere around 19:23. Some of my tattoos are also seen there a bit later, when Pete shows some of his work from his computer (my mom actually called me saying: "Your calfs were on TV!")

Oh, and I installed Ubuntu on my old laptop. Trying to get the WLAN to work is is a pain in the...

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