
Visited Mrs T with my grandparents today. Mrs T is such an energetic old lady and a loyal friend of grandma, who's know her for ages. Mrs T once ran a farm with cattle, but as she aged, she had to give up with farming; she decided to continue living in the farm anyway. Happily she's not all alone, for she has two dogs, two cats and her nephew with his girlfriend living with her.

I like Mrs T's home. It brings me the feeling of the old times with all its old furniture and that indescribable smell. I don't know, but her place smells like the old times, like the 60's, because most of her stuff is from those times. Simply, she has a classical Karelian evacuee styled home, and that fascinates me with its hidden history.

We enjoyed coffee and Karelian pasties while we discussed about weather, looms and recent news. Mrs T told that she's about to plant some new apple and pear trees when the Spring arrives. Her magnificent pear tree was destroyed by a lightning strike last year and some of her apple trees were too old to survive the winter. I hope she gets that planting done.

I captured Mrs T's cat Pulla while he was standing on the top of Mrs T's old furnace.

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