
By blipburton

Huffing and puffing...

I went for a run earlier this evening. I had the thought when it was still light outside and felt the urge to get out. However it was actually dark and a lot colder outside by the time my motivation actually kicked in.

I used to go out a lot. Once i got into a gentle rhythm I was a happy boy - I miss running! It was who I was, it was me, I ran all the time, most nights, up hills, down hills, in mud, through streams, on roads, with friends, on my own, in the rain, when it was sunny, on my lunch hour, after tea, before breakfast (very rare), fast, slow, around in circles, around the bend, sometimes I would go out and get lost!

Sometimes it was hard work, sometimes it was easy and I could just keep going. Tonight was long overdue, chilly, slow but felt great!

A quick puff on the inhaler and all everything was tip-top. Now for tomorrow...

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