jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Thank goodness

for the emergency bathtime blip.

Yes I know I said at the beginning of Lent that I wasn't going to take any emergency blips for the duration but actually I was quite pleased at the opportunity. And Ben was so excited about the prospect of having a bath, so much so that he felt the need to fix the doorframe up a bit - making sure that daddy had his hands over his ears first because it was going to be noisy.

You can't see the bathroom floor in any of these pictures. I am still rather fed up about the floor. It's that horrible almost-nearly-not-quite-finished state which is just more mess than finished, and I think of all the states of being that happen in a renovation project this may well be one of the most distressing states. Especially when hubby is struck down by headaches and tiles don't get relaid. :( Hey ho. Tomorrow night perhaps.... At least the waterproof membrane is down, and the underfloor heating mat is down as well. The tiles themselves won't actually cause much disruption and as they're going to be cemented in place with stuff that sets in 2 hours, there will be no (hopefully) risk of being left toilet-less while it sets.

So how has today been.... church in the morning, took Ben to crèche, actually managed to get him to give me a kiss and say see y'later and left him playing happily! Fantastic. My boy is happy there. Let's see how tomorrow goes dropping him at preschool eh.

Went to see lovely friends this afternoon and chatted about small group. Good stuff, plans made, chatted about other stuff and got quite excited; watched the boys play in the garden, didn't have to intervene too much!

Home for dinner of pork and mash and beans, that is after the tired child had a very late nap having NOT slept before going out to see friends. However after he'd eaten rather a lot of mashed potato and gravy (he could eat gravy all day) and pork bits we suggested him having a bath and he couldn't get down from the table fast enough!

I've finished all my little organza bags at last, and have taken advantage of a borrowed pedal for my sewing machine and hemmed one of Ben's duvet covers smaller so that his duvet won't get lost inside it, and he can have his current duvet cover washed for a change.

Now it's time to write up a couple of diary sheets for Ben to take with him tomorrow, and then laundry, and then bed. It's going to take me a couple of days to get used to this clock change...

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