Mount Torlesse

Early morning sunshine at the beginning of a glorious day. The snow won't last. It was almost all gone by afternoon. I liked the crazy shadow made by a partly folded three-section gate.

Best seen in large.

Late yesterday we had a wild sou'west squall. It took out the electricity. I was in the midst of cooking dinner for my son and myself. Fortunately there was enough heat in the oven to finish off the chicken and potatoes, but I had to do the carrots and greens together in a pot on my little camp gas burner outside. Then, instead of blipping, I did puzzles by candle light. The power came on, with lights flashing and peeping electronic gear, just as I was getting into bed.

It's easy to be philosophical about such a minor nuisance. The linesmen have been working hard to get the power back to Christchurch and there are still a lot of people who have been without electricity since the earthquake more than a month ago.

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