Gullymuck Bridge-Tales of a Dog Walker

This stone bridge I'm standing on has no railing or wall. The two brutes nearly flicked me off the edge when a guy with a tiny dog appeared around the bend on the icy path. What is so flippin exciting about a scruffy little dog that one has to whowl (whimper-howl) and dance in circles, winding the flexi-leash cord around oneself? I put my foot down with that nonsense, told both of them to sit and be quiet, not even a slight whining allowed while we let the walker and his little Yoda dog pass. Well, the little scruffer completely lost it when he got close to us, lunging and yipping but my two big, handsome boyfriends behaved. Smug? Me?

I discovered more bulldozed areas in the woods today. Several favorite trees and paths no longer exist and along with them, certain branch and canopy light patterns that I always look for and will never see again. Just a little thing but @#$$er!

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