life in 4x6

By macdoughnut


Day 197

The garden is beginning to grow again.

Today was my first day back seening practice at the vets. And as far as days at the vets go, it wasn't a very good one. We had 4 eutinasias.
One was a very old dog that had started fitting and had become recumbent due to a suspected brain tumour, one was a middle aged dog who had become so uncomfortable with a ulcerating skin condition that the owners had decided the kindest thing was euthinasia. And the final one of the day was a very young cat, who belonged to a young woman, which we finally diagnosed with Feline Leukaemia Virus. The virus was destroying her red blood cells, and her body was failing to cope. There were no treatment options.

Our professor in anaesthesia always reminds us that euthinasia is the best analgesic. And in many cases i also agree with Socrates,

Death may be the greatest of all human blessings.

Doesn't make it easier though.

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