It's not so impossible!

By iwalked


I went to Bristol for the first time ever! It's an interesting city. It's kind of weird seeing graffiti like that, there's nothing like that in Salisbury or Durham. I must live in two of the least diverse places on earth.

We saw Patrick Wolf who was amazing as always. He played lots of stuff from Wind in the Wires and some rare b-sides (I'm sad so I already had them) which was really exciting because I thought I'd never hear those songs live. The venue was The Thekla, which is a boat. So that was cool too. You see the most interesting people at gigs.

Went out in afterwards with Gen and also Dom from uni who was randomly also staying at a friend's in Bristol.

All in all a very good day.

Day 17 ? A song that you hear often on the radio

I can't remember the last time I listened to the radio! I would hope Patrick's new single. Probably not.

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