One Today!

Baby42's first birthday today (you can see the first picture of her just after she was born in the 'year ago' picture below).

What a fantastic year its been - and thank goodness mostly filled with joy and happiness (and messy dinnertimes), with the very occassional moment of worry or concern. As a new dad a whole new set of emotions for my little person! And what a brilliant record of baby42 growing and learning I have here on blip - as well as all of the lovely comments from you all about her.

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I took the day off today to spend it with my girls.

We had birthday cards at breakfast closely followed by the first instalment of presents and then we went to 'Bounce & Tickle' at the library with one of baby42's wee friends and sang a load of songs.

Back for lunch and then more presents - her favourite being a little play kitchen and then off out to the Five Sisters Zoo (including Meercats!) in her new slightly-more-grown-up car seat, a snooze on the way home, followed by birthday cup-cake and - as you can see in this picture - even more presents!

Phew, we're all exhausted!

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