
By PlanW

Food In My Belly AndA Licence For Me Telly

And Nothing's Gonna Bring Me Down

But some things are liable to piss me right off. One is not being able to do something myself, either because I'm not physically able or because I'm being a bit too blonde. Had a blonde mini meltdown moment . I'd drilled the holes out for the screws in my new raised bed bits this evening when I couldn't remember how to change a drill bit. What an Eejit!

Help came in the shape of my lodger, Paolo, who rocked up just at the right time but then spoiled it by saying 'What have you done wrong?' Wrong?? Wrong?? How to get my back up instantly. Then he proceeded to tell me I had the wrong drill bit in - left in by some workie whenever the last one was here. 'No, I have NOT put the wrong bit in, it was already in'. Then when I started digging holes for the corner posts he tried to step in and suggest how to do it 'better'. I politely declined telling him that digging was women's work. 'Not where I cumfae' he said (Paisley, by the way, honestly!), I declined further and suggested he retire to do some man's work and get my dinner on. What an ungrateful wretch I sound eh?

When I wandered into the kitchen a few minutes later, this was on the radio. Shpooky!!

Lovely dinner though so I quickly forgave him.

Pencil Full of Lead, Paolo Nutini, 2009

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