
By middleman


Jesus, bit of a struggle all round today, no energy whatsoever for some reason. Could have been the up-in-the-night-with-small-child business taking its toll or maybe it was the way that the whole house didn't wake up until 8 o'clock this morning and then had a hectic 30 minutes to do everything - breakfast, hair, teeth, get dressed, make packed lunch, etc. Seemed to spend the rest of the day catching up. Not keen.

Laid on the sofa post-kids bedtime and caught up finally with Jim Jarmusch's Limits Of Control. I used to be a massive fan of Jim and usually got to see his films before they even got released in my film-working days - Dead Man, Night On Earth, Ghost Dog (even went down to London just to see that introduced by the man himself), but his last two or three have left me a bit underwhelmed and this one was no different. It was OK, but he's far from essential to me anymore. Might have to re-watch the magnificent Down By Law tomorrow night to remind myself of Jim at his best.

Music - there was a fair bit of Boris, the Japanese drone metal trio, on the soundtrack. Worked well in the film, not sure if it's really my thing, best decide for yourself.

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