
By krimmson

the only use a tattoo will have for me.

.......well, maybe more than just one.
some tattoos are pretty cool, not gonna lie ! i've always had respect for those tattoo artists who design extremely intricate ones.

"nothing can pull you down."

i've been needing some motivation and optimism lately.
and who else are you to receive it from besides yourself?
you are your own boss, your own posse, your own enemy, and your own ally -- all at once. might as well use what you can to the best of your benefit.

if i was to be blunt, this week has already been shi**y.
(i'm trying to cut down on the swearing...yeah let's see how far that gets me, haha.)
parents are getting more tense about act/sats, school, everything.
i don't blame them.
....and yet.....

i agree that i haven't been on my best mental focus lately.
my mind's been wandering everywhere; i feel like as if i'm already a college student deep into her major, doing whatever she wants and pushing off other things that never gave her much interest.
......and that, in the middle of the hardest of junior year, bad. VERY bad.

i need myself a solution. any wise words, blippers?

it's been a whiiiiile. i haven't had a long streak of backblips like this in a LONG TIME.

things that have happened over the week i've been inactive:
~ i got a new phone because my stolen one never showed up.
~ i've been looking at prime lenses -- i feel like it'd really help enhance my photo-taking experience, and the quality of my photos themselves would be so much more amazing. i'm debating between a 50mm f/1.8 and 1.4 -- suggestions?
~ our school's marching band reunited to rehearse our parade routine for our band trip coming up in about two/three weeks! it's been exciting, despite the fact we've been rehearsing in freezing-cold weather.
~ our school's been going around and talking to each of its students about schedules for next year. oh man, junior year's almost over! finally!
~ the weather's finally beginning to turn up (after the unexpected snow on Friday). it's been hitting the 40s, and it looks like it'll keep rising! go spring!

look out for my backblips (:

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