
By mollyblobs

Not a hedgehog...

Those of you who've been following my journal for a while may remember Spike, the young hedgehog we rescued from the snow in December. He's survived the winter and grown fat on a diet of cat food. A couple of weeks ago we moved him from his indoor cage to an outdoor hutch, to acclimatise him to cooler temperatures. Tonight we shall be leaving the door of the hutch open so that he can make his way back into the wild. I was planning to post another photograph of him before he was released, but his early fame seems to have induced extreme camere shyness, and he refuses to unroll!

So instead I've posted a photograph of another rescue mammal. This is a wood mouse and is the offspring of mice that the cats brought in, which were too damaged to be released into the wild. Pete cleaned their tank out today, including the glass, and they've been busy ever since exploring their new surroundings. A lump of wood has proved a major attraction, and you can see this one busy gnawing on it. Their activity and the clean glass prompted me to take a series of photographs - and anyway it's grey and rainy outside!!

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