
By anni

Solved issues

This has been a sort of an issue in this household for two years. Hubby thought the old pine doesn't look safe and wanted to cut it down. For me it was a tough decision to give him the permission to get a woodcutter. Such a great old pine.

Today at work I heard a presentation, actually one of the most interesting I've heard for a long time, of a derecho, sort of a wide spread band of downbursts (excuse me if I'm not using the right terms); that is, thunder and heavy winds in gusts, proceeding very fast over a wide area. It's very very rare over here but we had one last summer, causing over 8 million square meter loss of timber. Big areas of forest across the country went flat because of the strong winds.

Soon after that I heard the chief of the Helsinki City Rescue department giving his presentation, telling that what keeps them so busy is that we ordinary folks are not at all prepared. We are always hit by a suprise when a flood comes every spring or a heavy wind cuts down the trees.

When I got home the tree was cut down. I didn't complain.
Not aloud. (*sigh*)

Honestly, I'm glad he's having more sense in these matters than I do. And now he has something where to spend his extra energy :)

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