
Unless you are in solitary confinement, there's always lots to see. Lots to do. Lots to consider. Lots to remember. Lots to live up to.

I was cycling this morning and listening to some words about presence. About being present.

It's something that has been on my heart in the past. But the practice of being present is one I can quickly forget.

Of being in that moment and not somewhere else, checking something else (smartphones can be such a source of temptation here).

Mrs theWeir needs (should that be deserves?) me to be present. The weeWeir needs me to be present. In conversation with friends, am I only present when it interests me or am I simply there?

We all know that feeling that people "only phone when they want something". Lord, save me from that behaviour becoming normal.

Is my lack of presence a symptom of a fear of missing something - or someone (else). Of letting someone down?

I think (as ever) there's a balance to be struck, but as Qui-Gon said, "be mindful of the present". As Jesus said "which of you by worrying adds a day to your life?".

So I'm sitting in the staff restaurant at work and posting this while it's fresh, while the thoughts are present.

And before my porridge cools to goldilocks temperature.

(ps, some blips missing from the last few days. They'll be present soon!)

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