Rodents rule

By squirk

A moment of song

It's not the best photograph I took today, but it was one of the best moments of the day so it had to be my blip. I went for a wander at lunchtime through the housing estates at the back of Caledonian Road. I was exploring. Suddenly I heard a burst of birdsong - a tune I didn't recognise. I was curious so walked across to where the song was strongest, expecting to see a birdcage out on a balcony. Instead, a great tit appeared above me, but I know his song. Then, he flew off to be replaced by an extremely handsome, glowing goldfinch - he was magnificent and definitely the tunesmith that I was searching for. I managed to catch this shot of him in the plane tree before he flew off to spread his notes.

My work colleagues have now labelled me as a twitcher. Talking about spotting birds at lunchtime is considered a little strange in my office :-)

After work, I met F for a drink in the BFI film cafe and ended up taking part in the film quiz. I'm confident that we got four right, but we were useless on the Contemporary Chinese Cinema topic. We didn't stay to find out our results because we were hungry. A quick meal at Wagamama's ddi the trick.

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