Robin Red Breast

We went off to Wisley Garden today. An amazing place for flowers and stuff, if that's what you are into. Me, I can take or leave gardening but I have to admit, it was pretty spectacular.

This little Robin was very obliging with his posing for a photo. I was able to get within a metre of him, too close for the camera to focus actually. So, I stepped back and snapped off a few shots. Cute little fellow.

Me, Jo, Mum and Matt went to another pub for lunch. I sampled a pint of Badger and a pint of Hare. The food was excellent. I went for sausages again (of course!), this time venison.

Mum and I were planning a quick 9 holes of golf late this arvo but after a few pints and a big lunch I was more in the mood for a nap. When I got up at 5pm and then had another half hour nap on the couch.

Tonight we are going to make soup for dinner. Something light after our big lunch.

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