Scarlet Haberdashery

By Haberdashery


I got this rather lovely little Japanese book of patterns today. It was an impulse buy. A I've got a new job present to myself. It is gorgeous. Filled with possibilities. Before my quilting class I hadn't quite understood the extent to which you need to be a good hand sewer but also the way that you can play with pattern. So, here is my inspiration. I've been day dreaming about sewing patterns. Quilting is cool, right?

I'm trying very hard to talk myself into making some positive changes at the moment. It feels like there is an awful lot going on around me that is outwith my control and therefore causes me a lot of anxiety. It's also causing me to expand a little around the middle - I am stress eater extrordinaire. But there are many things that I can control that would make me feel more on an even keel. So, I must bloody get on with it. Too much Scarlett O'Hara "I'll deal with it tomorrow" nonsense. Also, it's bizarre because I also feel very lucky at the moment. Many things are going really well. I've made some big decisions and everything is moving in the right direction. Why do these states, of stress and sortedness, often coincide?

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