
By soozaday

Fly Away Home

For various reasons I was feeling very sorry for myself this afternoon (admittedly hard to do on such a glorious warm and sunny day), so I went out to sit among the happy bugs to see what would happen. One thing I learned is that big fat black bees don't ever seem to land--they just buzz and buzz, then bomb each other and buzz some more. Another thing I learned is that our enormous yellow tulips are filled with pollen. When I first caught sight of this bug, I thought it was a yellow ladybug with a few red spots, and I laughed out loud when I realized what I was really looking at. Eventually she flew away, seemingly able to carry her own weight in pollen. Along came a black and red beetle to tank up, and in the face of all this plenty and celebration I forgot what I'd been so upset about and became very grateful to be sitting in the weeds with the sun on my back.

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