
The castle gardens at our last home were a monument to his Lordship's taste for grandiose shrubs. Now at the Dower House I have been handed the task of filling the patio with tubs of the flowers which are not much appreciated by him.

To do this, we have had many sorties to the land of Flowers, enjoying as we do a cake or two in the process.

However when I noticed an advert at the end of last year in a gardening magazine for a special offer of an ivy, Hedera Variegata Multicoloris which Kew gardens had developed in conjunction with the Botanical Gardens in Edinburgh, I placed an order which I hoped when planted out would be a screen for an ugly pipe running down the side of the patio.

The plant arrived by courier late yesterday afternoon, and has fulfilled all my expectations. It looks like a normal ivy, but it has these amazing multi coloured berries which they assure may will last for several months if I keep it in a sheltered spot. Apparently it will produce these berries every year about this time.
I hope they're right as it cost more than his Lordship would have liked.

Just when I thought the new month had turned over a new leaf, I see the umbrellas are out in force again today.
I feel the need for a bus trip to foreign parts coming on: that sounds a much better option than housework. Now I just need to persuade his Lordship.

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